How to Install Firewall Builder 5 In Ubuntu

Firewall Builder is a GUI application that allows you to create sophisticated firewall rules. Currently only version 4 is available in the Ubuntu repositories, so here is how to install version 5 in Ubuntu: 1. From a Terminal window type: wget -0- | sudo apt-key add – 2. Add the line deb VersionName … Read more

Linux Foundation Breach

I was actually browsing through the Freedombox site to look at the project and when I clicked on one of the links to the Linux Foundation I received the breach notification that now reads (Condensed Version): “Linux Foundation infrastructure including,, and their subdomains are down for maintenance due to a security breach that … Read more

Top 5 Books for the UNIX Security Geek

Here is Justin’s top 5 UNIX security books. Title Author ISBN Practical UNIX and Internet Security Garfinkel and Spafford 1-56592-148-8 UNIX System Security David Curry 0-201-60640-2 The UNIX Programming Environment Kernighan and Pike 0-13-937681-X UNIX & Linux System Administration Handbook Nemeth et al 0-13-151051-7 Building Internet Firewalls O’Reilly and Assoc 1-56592-124-0