Cultivating Infosec Knowledge

I often get asked through both work and social media channels how and where do I obtain all of the Information Security knowledge that I routinely share. So I though I would share my own personal workflow for how I cultivate Infosec knowledge and others can use what I’ll describe in this blog post as … Read more

Python Script for Searching ExploitDB

So I was looking to cleanup my Twitter favorites list and starting with the oldest one that was dated from 2011, it was from an article for using a Python script for searching the local ExploitDB instance on Backtrack.So of course it peaked my interest and click on the source link directed me to a … Read more

Automating VirtualBox Snapshots

I depend a lot upon VirtualBox for my security-related research and testing. That being the case I make a lot of changes to my VirtualBox VM’s and losting a given state and not being able to rollback to last known good state would be very bad. Yes, you can take snapshots manually via the GUI … Read more

Google NGrams: Nerds vs. Geeks

With Google’s new tool Ngram Viewer, you can visualise the rise and fall of concepts across 5 million books and 500 years! I decided to plug in ‘geeks’ and ‘nerds’ and it looks like the nerds will inherit the earth and not the geeks.

How to Install Firewall Builder 5 In Ubuntu

Firewall Builder is a GUI application that allows you to create sophisticated firewall rules. Currently only version 4 is available in the Ubuntu repositories, so here is how to install version 5 in Ubuntu: 1. From a Terminal window type: wget -0- | sudo apt-key add – 2. Add the line deb VersionName … Read more

Exporting Your Kindle Library

As much as I love the Kindle that I received this past Christmas, there are certain things that I have found wanting. Recently one of my Facebook friends asked me what books I had on my Kindle. I thought, “This should be a no brainer,  I’ll just export the list from the as a … Read more

Death of Google Wave?

Looks like the lifespan of Google Wave has a life expectancy of about another year and it will be dead as a standalone project according to Google. According to Google they have not seen the level of use adoption that they would have liked. What does not make sense is how they describe the use … Read more