Time Wasters to be Avoided

Richard Baxter gives some sound advise to follow of thieves that should be avoided: Thief I: One of the greatest time-wasting sins consists of idleness or sloth. One only needs to read the book of Proverbs to see this point expounded. Remember that you run for the immortal crown; and therefore see that you lose … Read more

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

I’m currently in the process of reading Richard Baxter’s, A Christian Directory and I came across 10 things that he outlines in the book that I thought I would share: (1) That the Holy Ghost, as given since the ascension of Christ, is his agent on earth, or his advocate with men; (2) This Holy … Read more

Christians: Check your Inputs

I’m kind of into the Puritans. I have been studying a lot on them recently and has indeed been a blessing. One thing I have noticed with them that I think can be applied to the 21st century Christian is a technical term I’m going to use that references a method for preventing bad things … Read more

The Healthy Christian

“The healthy Christian knows his frailty and suspects and distrusts himself, lest sin and Satan should be ensnaring him unawares; therefore he regularly grills himself before God, scrutinizing his deeds and motives and ruthlessly condemning himself when he finds within himself moral deficiency and dishonesty… The healthy Christian is not necessarily the extrovert, ebullient Christian, … Read more

Thoughts on Christian Election

(1) Ephesians 1:4 “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love” (2) Ephesians 1:8 “also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will,” I’m currently … Read more

Holy Violence in the Christian Life

I just finished reading Thomas Watsons’ “Taking Heaven by Storm” and I must say it was a great book. I felt as though Watson pierced my heart with his words. What I wanted to do is to share some notes I took from the book with commentary where I felt inspired. “Truth is the best … Read more

Knowledge of God According to Rome

Section I, Part III, Number 36 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states regarding the knowledge of God: “Our holy mother, the Church, holds and teaches that God, the first principle and last end of all things, can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason.” Without … Read more

The Ten Marks of a Flesh Pleaser

I stumbled across this today and thought it was simple and cut-throat as is typical and great about the Puritans.

Christian Challenge: Make it your goal for the next month to take an inventory based on the 10 items below to see where you fall on the spectrum. I think this would be good to do at least on a monthly basis to ensure your not slipping.

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