Buying Ammo Online

Since firearms sales have been skyrocketing since March 2020 due to the Rona and riots in some of the US larger Democrat controlled cities, I routinely hear, “Where can I get Ammo online? The local gun shopshave been cleaned out?” A perfectly legitimate concern as a firearm isn’t going to do you much good if … Read more

Assurance is not for Arminians

I have been reading through Thomas Brooks, Heaven on Earth and the book has been focusing a lot on the doctrine of assurance and thought I would share some tid bits. “This precious ruth thus proved, looks sourly and wishly upon all those that affirm that believers cannot in this life attain unto a certain … Read more

Am I Evil?

“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5 (KJV)


Before I became a Christian I was a big heavy metal fan of Metallica and one of their songs off of their first albums, was a song titled, “Am I Evil?”

Years later, I am now a Reformed Christian and Calvinist and I thought that this song as bad as the lyrics are morally, does teach a fundamental Christian doctrine; Total Depravity.
So what is the definition of Total Depravity?

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Autism Walk for My Son, Christopher

Just getting things ready for this year’s autism walk. My younger son Christopher who is 7 years old was diagnosed with autism a number of years ago. Donations of any amount are much appreciated.