In the sixth chapter the focus is on the practical antithesis between the worldviews discussed up to this point. As was the case in previous posts, I’m going to be documenting notes from the chapter that I think are worthy of attention.
Presuppositional Apologetics requires that you recognize the antithesis (there’s that word again, make note of it) between Christianity and all variations of the non-Christian worldview, whether religious or secular.
Faith is the the necessary framework for rationality and understanding.
Unresolvable conflicts exist between the two outlooks on:
Redemptive Historic Examples
- Adam in Eden – After our first parents sin, the antithesis began
- Cain & Abel
- Days of Noah
- The Exodus from Egypt
- Satan vs. Christ & Christians
Hell is the final and eternal antithesis.
The unbeliever must be made to realize the stark difference between his worldview and the Christian faith so that he can be made to see the utter meaningless in his own outlook.
Recommended Reading
Van Til’s Apologetic
Apologetics in Practice
Christianity and the birth of Science
Does God Love the Sinner and Hate Only His Sin
What’s In a Name?
Birth and Death of an Atheist
The Biblical Doctrine of Hell Examined
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