Bible Reading Plan

I have been following the following plan to read through the Old Testament once every year and the New Testament 5 times each year. I’ve been following this plan over the past 12 years or so and it has served me well as it tends to keep in sync OT and NT readings where appropriate. It was taken from Matthew McMahon’s, “A Puritans Mind” website, so all the credit goes to him. I think this format will serve readers better as the one in its current form is someone cumbersome due to each months readings being broken down in to different web pages.

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Buying Ammo Online

Since firearms sales have been skyrocketing since March 2020 due to the Rona and riots in some of the US larger Democrat controlled cities, I routinely hear, “Where can I get Ammo online? The local gun shopshave been cleaned out?” A perfectly legitimate concern as a firearm isn’t going to do you much good if … Read more

Pushing The Antithesis – Part 6 – Worldviews in Collision

In the sixth chapter the focus is on the practical antithesis between the worldviews discussed up to this point. As was the case in previous posts, I’m going to be documenting notes from the chapter that I think are worthy of attention. Presuppositional Apologetics requires that you recognize the antithesis (there’s that word again, make … Read more

Pushing The Antithesis – Part 5 – Alternative Worldviews

The fifth chapter of the book focuses on comparing and contrasting various worldviews outside of the Biblical worldview of Scripture. The purpose for doing this is to demonstrate different characteristics that some of the more popular worldviews hold to and how they contrast to the Christian one. There are two central tenets that are the … Read more

Cultivating Infosec Knowledge

I often get asked through both work and social media channels how and where do I obtain all of the Information Security knowledge that I routinely share. So I though I would share my own personal workflow for how I cultivate Infosec knowledge and others can use what I’ll describe in this blog post as … Read more

The Necessity of Security Standards

Having been working in the Information Security industry for almost two decades, I’ve seen what has and has not worked well for organizations approach to Security. One of the biggest pitfalls I’ve seen is a type of insanity in repeating the same mantras over and over again to supporting groups and stakeholders and then wondering … Read more

Arminianism & Church Revitalization

Ed Stetzer has a new blog entry in which he describes the five necessary characteristics that are needed to be an effective church revitalizer. Now on the surface there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the characteristics that he lays out in his article. The big question I have is: Why is church revitalization … Read more

Stop Referrering to TLS as SSL!

Having worked in the Information Security field for close to 20 years now, one of my biggest pet peeves is when Security professionals use technical terms that no longer comport to current realities. So as a word of warning this blog post is going to be a rant. It is first important to understand some … Read more

Cybersecurity Podcasts

I was recently asked to give recommendations for Cybersecurity Podcasts to students in college that are majoring in Security. The usual problem with security podcasts (and podcasts in general) is that they frequently become static and in some cases a year or more goes by before they are updated. There are actually a large number … Read more