Bible Reading Plan

I have been following the following plan to read through the Old Testament once every year and the New Testament 5 times each year. I’ve been following this plan over the past 12 years or so and it has served me well as it tends to keep in sync OT and NT readings where appropriate. It was taken from Matthew McMahon’s, “A Puritans Mind” website, so all the credit goes to him. I think this format will serve readers better as the one in its current form is someone cumbersome due to each months readings being broken down in to different web pages.

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Pushing The Antithesis – Part 6 – Worldviews in Collision

In the sixth chapter the focus is on the practical antithesis between the worldviews discussed up to this point. As was the case in previous posts, I’m going to be documenting notes from the chapter that I think are worthy of attention. Presuppositional Apologetics requires that you recognize the antithesis (there’s that word again, make … Read more

Pushing The Antithesis – Part 5 – Alternative Worldviews

The fifth chapter of the book focuses on comparing and contrasting various worldviews outside of the Biblical worldview of Scripture. The purpose for doing this is to demonstrate different characteristics that some of the more popular worldviews hold to and how they contrast to the Christian one. There are two central tenets that are the … Read more

Arminianism & Church Revitalization

Ed Stetzer has a new blog entry in which he describes the five necessary characteristics that are needed to be an effective church revitalizer. Now on the surface there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the characteristics that he lays out in his article. The big question I have is: Why is church revitalization … Read more

Book Review: Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms

Series: Emory University Studies in Law and Religion Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdsmans Publishing Co. Copyright: 2010 ISBN: 978-0802864437 Pages: 512 Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms can be summarized as a survey of the historically reformed Christians position on the two key concepts of the Two Kingdoms and Natural Law. Those two terms in the … Read more

Pushing The Antithesis – Part 3 – Defining Worldviews

The third part of the series has to do with as the title suggests, defining worldviews. The actual definition for what a worldview is plays a critical role in understanding the presuppositions one brings to the table for interpreting reality, knowledge, and ethics. One of the reoccurring themes you will notice through this blog series … Read more