Installing Emacs on Ubuntu 10.04 from Source

Here is how you can compile the mother of all editors on Ubuntu 10.04 from source: 1. Obtain the source archive for Emacs from 2. Open a Terminal in Ubuntu and type: A. sudo apt-get install build-essential libxpm-dev libgif-dev libtiff4-dev B. This will install the necessary packages to compile Emacs. 3. Extract the Emacs … Read more

Review of Always Ready

Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith by Greg L. Bahnsen My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was a most excellent book as to how the Christian should be ready to defend the faith and I think it’s the only way to expose the “intellectual schizophrenia” that is within every non-Christian and that is … Read more

MacArthur on Driscoll

Dr. John MacArthur articulates the fundamental problem with the vulgarity of Mark Driscoll’s approach to preaching. I have listened to some of Driscoll’s sermons and everytime I do, I end up wanting to vomit his repugnant language to Mars. ESV: Titus 2:8. “and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be … Read more

My PGP Public Key

For those of you actually know what encryption is and how to use it, here’s my public key to send secure transmissions. —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) mQINBEx0a1MBEADLUM0L68NzlwJ+TWDKLhAcxPpf07qjW9uEkRVilCiUFreGzBUr XyKjIFo4KncFesVME9vfS67ODH4iWyjch1hjNKkgJf43f8hwN+mFntIyv0gv6V/n 4MV13i9oHv3JhmpkoZRMxeIbV9yt9mwtQLcw84TohX+r3NMYDut8MrKSgnmSi7ET DU5wqKG/6jsUlJgKJ82x4666pVgzSbSMYxmcHdkGKCzMJvBpO1hqc8tieON8BDs7 RIkUWmacNwW1Pb2ovrZBYKbVdSccHM/pc8Jd2kEhan8HZT8G6fnIjTb4ESzrE+GX XpTgorHBWgUYjGKvGx7rqd1sQvyBw+oO4cjpve7eRi2LdJ64u5TifZ5Yo5fYyw2J e+hk/clBqZhcHR9mnE5ch6oBjA/RjFq+K/qFWHQLJ8wblORnlE6iFq1edvAHEDDM PxXXiUCAqBab3iVRKHrF9hKaIRO7ObNmvDzurUbTlv8Ii9yXXxENNnJlNbKOVw92 0DTB+IkvhxlXHnjPjU20fAM3cFDi7JQNnC4fxrAJ7iiqRBqFKDqLDkBITuGK6Tqw WrYAsbAcIvtG/RLzEDThTFCu3CDNTvQZDYuj0GkuFTEvSsZ5+Z/x7noIFfAaIwV2 fvq8/EKYWmmwcp9vaHf1xOc5TYp6hrN0fHAoOQ4wJG3RyQUY8dA/Yye6hQARAQAB tDZKdXN0aW4gUi4gQW5kcnVzayAoR2VlayBhdCBMYXJnZSkgPGphbmRydXNrQGdt YWlsLmNvbT6JAjgEEwECACIFAkx0a1MCGwMGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEPP6QLl31M4959AP/0PcLBTJHsQKZr7Xf74OOeQC/Pbg6WQbCvYenQON rpfQFeHsK3NV7883ekD4yp+o5H2xuL94xtBAw2izfszl8wg/UmR5XYLlf9noUY+q NSOi7OKidRorJUdtJFBEpyxjItQWKo+xI5+WnrGap3Qb7ZFIbCuCVYRky2rzH29j a4FQYT1hWZrxaUGEjDwNytD9Vk35ojNaTp0DrSazIgXYJt6gIE3cYmTtJgBRovxZ tDexa/RCOLog7rsrCZMjYet1FgjKEa8Ls3GII/MD2yaXWMT+DpMcFgWcxveOkRwt 2IZJb4J/9YrcQKfiexkVWe/GH++jKeLMb6yIhVc7SlOrNuj+UuqHZaDfm40ZFOvs +++Z49kd+z01h63oa/6Rr8d+uX7ASuENckUvXeZeakMBWSGvJHry/9VCXeh327F/ wGf3MulNAz9ASNUE3LkbOwQKLmLEWs0EjMr77M0enKDZcIi0a+yyhIQBX2Qcmxaf JDt1X6TNHoQZrFJ/zDxBFSS6T9kmw8qRQJ4G09ehs5fujIUL1V31cLKETnwd8rFm hE1kHk+Lf8zPTi/h4NZqyyIwrWi2OTGpOOBU1VYnAXrvz0FSPtxJP8I0DyJDjlhD d3mZ1abFHDlTgwfBUjMN61ItlZ9bQdxsoMwS8brlGLKuTIWC0ji+SeOkO4d21APH … Read more

Death of Google Wave?

Looks like the lifespan of Google Wave has a life expectancy of about another year and it will be dead as a standalone project according to Google. According to Google they have not seen the level of use adoption that they would have liked. What does not make sense is how they describe the use … Read more

Thoughts on Van Til

I just finished reading an excellent book by John Muether on the life of Cornelius Van Til. it really was a really great read and a humbling one as well. From the recesses of the farm in Indiana that he grew up with and there was some entertaining parts as well. One that I found … Read more

The Mystery of Providence

I just finished reading an excellent book by John Flavel, entitled “The Mystery of Providence” and I think he offers some very relevant advice for Christians in the 21st century. One of the most profound maxims is how important and a great means of sanctification that Christians do go through afflictions and trials. One of … Read more